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15 Inch MFD Unit

Dimensions: 356mm (wide) x 279mm (high)

15” MFD Unit - US$632-00

This unit is supplied as shown above and comes complete with one of our USB controllers on the PCB. All of the pushbuttons are backlit. The video controller has HDMI, DVI, and VGA connectors.  A 12 Volt DC power supply is included with the MFD unit.


The new Arduino Leonardo/Pro Micro version of our 15" MFD unit is automatically viewed by the host computer as a joystick controller, which allows direct assignment of controls through the Flight Simulator software.

Please note that there is NO avionics software supplied with this unit. The above image which shows information on the screen is for photographic purposes only.

To download the files for the panel shape and MIP cutout, click here.